Samsung Names Flexible Display “Youm” Amazing! [Video]

Samsung has proven themselves as one the industry leaders with their amazing Screens, TVs, Androids and other various products. Samsung has also been playing with the idea of a bendable screen the past little while. We have seen a couple video floating around the interwebs last little while, but this new video popped up that just blew me away.

With a name established and trademark filed in (along with WAMOLED, FAMOLED, PAMOLED, TAMOLED), this product seems to be right on track for its expected 2024 release.

Could this be the end of cracked LCD screens? Will you finally be able to throw your phone against the wall in frustration and dust it off and continue working? Most importantly what came to my mind is the size difference.

Samsung made some pretty big promises last year. They said they would be working hard to deliver Android users “All Day Batteries”. Clearly placing a larger battery will require more space, but what if this extra space they required will be freed up by this slim flexible display. Is this another step closer to the all day battery goal?


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