Bell To Release The HTC One V

In my opinion, Bell has established themselves as the primer carrier for Android devices in Canada. They brought us the latest and greatest smartphones before other carriers managed to get their hands on them.

This time around Bell has opted for stock up on a more affordable device to reach the other spectrum of the buyers market. We Android lovers always want the best devices in our pockets, but not everyone is ready to shell out that amount of money for a phone. For those people, Bell will be launching the HTC One V.

Bell has decided to launch this Android OS 4.0 on Thursday, May 3rd – you could also assume TELUS will launch on this date too. It’ll be priced under $300 and comes with with 25GB of free online storage via Dropbox.

The HTC One V will have:

For a price tag that’s said to be $299.99, that’s not a bad phone to carry around. Clearly this phone isn’t going to be top of the class, but if you’re looking to save a little money, this little guy will definitely get the job done and done well.

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