#weeklyroundup Jun 25 – 30, 2024

Happy long weekend everybody!!

Monday June 25
[R]Bell and NCIX giving the SGS3 for $0
[R]Switching from iOS ot a Galaxy Android?
[R]Motorola has videos to ready you for ICS
[M]Sony Google TV FOR CANADA

Tuesday June 26
[R]Google IO tomorrow!
[R]Nexus Tablet details
[R]Office Suite 6 on sale
[R]CM9 RC for Maguro
[R]Jellybeans on the front of Googleplex

Wednesday June 27
[R]Samsung GS3 is available today
[R]Box OneCloud
[R]Bell’s SGS3 video
[R]Google IO!!  Day 1 recap

Thursday June 28
[R]New Google Play Store
[R]Rogers has a video for their GS3

Friday June 29
[R]HTC One X review
[R]Google IO keynote now available.
[T]Funny Friday #45
[T]Zeemote Giveaway!

Saturday/Sunday June 30/July1

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