T-24hrs until we give away a phone and a tablet

Just 24 hours until I announce the winner of our “Goodbye to Summer” contest.

The rules are simple… be a Canadian (with a Canadian address to send to) and follow the instructions on the original post.

That’s it!

Now, I’ve had to go through and cull the spreadsheet I have of the verified entrants.  I’d hate to have had to remove yours.

Either, people are sharing the link, but not filling out the form (so I have no record of you entering then), or they’re filling out the form but not sharing the link publicly (so I can’t verify it).

Also, I’ve had to remove a few duplicates of the sneaks who entered more than once.  Nice try!  Can’t blame you.  But this is going to be a truly honest contest.

If any of the other companies want to give sutff away we’ll be doing more give aways.

So, thank you again to HTC and Hipstreet.  Show them some love by following them too guys!

If you haven’t already, enter the contest!

Go to the original post!  Follow the instructions!

Stay tuned for when I announce the winner.

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