Introducing the Forums!

We have a very special Android community here in Canada. Even though our population is considered “small”, Android users in the Great White North are the most passionate of all. To help foster the building of the Android community here, we have listened to your feedback and created the Forums! You now have a home for all your Android needs.

Register for Free, and Join in the Discussion with your Fellow Android Fans

Want to talk about the latest Android app? Have some tips and tricks to share? Want to talk about Rogers/Bell/Telus plans? Discuss your Android device (or gripe about when we’re going to get the latest phones) or the Android OS? You can do it all on our exclusive forums! Registration is free and the board is powered by IP Board. There’s even a mobile version which looks absolutely amazing.

Big thanks goes to Darren from iDev Creations for getting these forums installed and moving. Everyone, please say thanks to him! If you’re looking for hired help to install/maintain forums, Darren is the one to get in touch with.

Click here to register in the forums and start chatting away today! Don’t forget to tell all your friends!

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