Rumour: LG G Pad 8.3 Will Cost Just $299



LG officially re-entered the tablet market earlier this month when they announced the G Pad 8.3.  The device looks pretty sleek and has some pretty nice hardware powering it:

Looks pretty good on paper doesn’t it?  Well things could get even sweeter if this latest rumour is to be believed.  According to Chinese website Zol, the LG G Pad 8.3 may come with just a $299 price tag.  Now it’s not like we don’t already have a multitude of low cost tablets, but a low cost tablet of this caliber is pretty rare.  If, and that’s a big if, LG is able to sell this tablet at $299, they automatically become one of the best bang for buck tablets  in my books (if not thee best bang for buck tablet).

Again, this is just a rumour at this point so take it with a grain of salt.  The device is set to launch in Q4 so I’m sure we’ll get some official numbers from LG soon enough.  Till then, I guess keep your fingers crossed?


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