Motorola Is Working On A Moto X Like Tablet

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In a recent interview with Engadget, Motorola CEO, Dennis Woodside, hinted that Motorola is looking to get back into the tablet market.  While he did say that there aren’t any specifics at the moment, they (Motorola) are looking to incorporate ”some of the design cues, as well as technologies, from the Moto X” into other form factors, which will likely include a tablet and possibly even a phablet.

Engadget also mentioned that they believe that Motorola may also try to incorporate the customizations of the Moto X into other devices.  Hopefully no carrier gets an exclusive on those Moto Makers as I believe the AT&T exlusive on the Moto X Moto Maker is likely hindering the device more than helping it.

As we hear more about these developments, we’ll be sure to let you guys know.



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