Acer’s 7.9″ Tablet May Drop To Just $149 USD

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Just yesterday we reported about Acer’s new budget tablet.  Again, the thing that really sets this tablet apart from all the other budget tablets out there is Acer’s choice in the screen size.  Rather than the traditional 7″ display, the upcoming Acer A1-810 will host a 7.9″ 1024×768 display.  Yes, they’re definitely going after the iPad Mini with this one.

And just in case the unique screen size isn’t enough to sell this tablet to potential buyers, the price tag definitely could.  According to a source in Acer’s supply chain, there’s a possibility that this tablet could come with a $149 USD price tag.  That means you could buy two of these and supper for the family at McDonald’s vs buying just one iPad mini.

This is just a rumour at this point but it’s definitely one that could come into fruition as the budget tablet market is constantly heating up.  We’ll keep an eye on this and let you guys know as we learn more.


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