Wrap Around Screen Samsung Device Reported To Come Next Year



Just yesterday we shared with you a patent filing from Samsung that featured a phone with a screen that wrapped around the edges.  And as I said yesterday, I don’t believe this phone is too far off and according to a new report the phone could be here next year!

According to Bloomberg, “two people familiar with the plans” have tipped them off to the new device.  It will utilize an upgraded version of Samsung’s flexible displays technology known as Youm.  It may be used in either the “S” series of devices or the “Note” series or Samsung may create an entirely new series specifically for this phone.

One interesting little tidbit that Bloomberg noted is that Samsung plans to have each side of the display work independently.  I’m not positive as to what this means but I feel like we got a taste of it with those patents.  The main screen showed one portion of the app while the edge display showed something different related to that app.  Thus each screen was displaying working independently  to some degree.  I’m not sure that’s what they mean but that’s what I’m gathering from that

As we hear more about this innovative new phone we’ll be sure to share the news with you guys!


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