Samsung to Start Using Quad-Core Processors

Samsung is among the top manufactures for Android devices, and this latest announcement is just adding more excitement to the rapidly growing popularity of futures phones.

Samsung is taking another step further in the mobile device world with their Exynos 5250, which is an ARM Cortex A15 chipset, that boasts of a 2GHz clock speed, without the need of sucking much power from the device. As of now, the chipset has begun sampling and will come into full production sometime this year.

Rumor has it that Samsung will put the chip into test on a new Galaxy Tab, which is reportedly bigger than their usual 10 inches tab, and showcase it at this year’s Mobile World Congress. Some people have reported seeing the prototype of the said device but without any pictures or other types of proof of it, it will be hard to believe, even for the biggest Android fans, that a Samsung Galaxy Tab with a WXQGA (2560×1600) does exist.

Another rumour of another upgraded Galaxy Nexus has been floating around. This is unconfined of course, but it leaves the mind to wonder and dream of happy thoughts. It’s very early to tell of course, but could this be future plans of the next Nexus phone to hit near the end of this year?


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