LG Promising Lollipop On The G3 Before The End Of 2024

Lollipop Statue


We’ve got some more Lollipop update news to pass your guys’ way.  According to Dutch website TechtTastic, LG has confirmed with them that they will bring Android 5.0 Lollipop to the LG G3 before the end of the year!  No time frame was provided but given that we’re nearly in November, LG doesn’t have a ton of time left in the year.

With this announcement, basically every major manufacturer has openly promised Android 5.0 on their respective flagship devices and it seems like they’ll all have it ready to go by the end of the year.  I would wager that Motorola will be the first out of the gate as they have been thee best at updates since they began shipping with near stock Android.  Nevertheless, it’s promising to see these other manufacturers really pushing their software teams to get these updates out asap.

Going back to LG, they did not mention any other devices that will be getting updated to 5.0.  I would imagine that their other high end “G” devices will also get updated but chances are that that won’t come till a little ways down the road.


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