Curious About The Upcoming Honami? Check Out This Video Of A Ported ROM Running On The Z

The Sony Honami is definitely one of the most anticipated devices of the year for many people.  It builds on the success from their current flagship, the Xperia Z, but ups the ante big time with specs that will rival anything out there.  Software customization definitely wasn’t a strong point for Sony early on but they’ve been slowly working  on that over the past couple of years.  Their devices are a little closer to stock and the little addition they have been making to the OS have, in my opinion, added positively to the overall user experience.

The Honami will undoubtedly feature some new software features as it will launch as their flagship device for 2024 and thanks to a little magic by the XDA devs, we get a sneak peak at what some of these new features will be and what the OS will look like.  In the video above you’ll see a Xperia Z running a ported ROM from the Honami.  The ROM was pieced together from a system dump from the Honami that surfaced a little while back.

All in all, the UI looks nice, clean, and simple.  Some of those camera features are very gimmicky but I’m still looking forward to playing around with this guy when it launches.

The video is a little lengthy but it’s still a decent watch.


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