Android’s #1 in Canada!! [stats]

So, I’m a math minor, and I love numbers.  Really, I do, and I was excited to hear this new stat.

No, not the one that we JUST PASSED 2,000 ON GOOGLE+!

The one that shows that Canada has adopted Android as it’s #1 mobile OS.

As MobileSyrup reported recently it shows that the growth in Android devices has now pushed it over the top!  Awesome.  We’ve seen so often that Android was leading, globally; but we always wondered what the Canadian numbers looked like.  A while back I had shown you the comScore and it didn’t look good for ol’ Andy, as RIM was really eating the lion’s share.  But that seems to have changed.


So, as I interpret this graph, Android has nearly DOUBLED it’s user base in Canada.  True, it’s #1, but it’s still a very tight race.  Only beating out Apple by a % point or 2 (who knows how they round?)… who’s just steadied out over the same amount of time.  So it’s weathered the iPhone4S, but how will iPhone5 affect this?  Plus, RIM should bring out BB10… and the patriotism of us Canucks may just keep us trying it out.

We’re in the lead with 34%, not too bad, but we can still grow.

Here’s a couple of other slides from them (usually you can get the report from comScore, but I can’t seem to find it – so thank you MobileSyrup for snagging the slides).

Compare this to the official worldwide numbers from Android.  We have 72% on 2.2/2.3 (eww, what’s still on froyo?), while globally it’s 71… roughly the same.  However with only 7% on ICS we’re well below the global 21%.

And then there’s the handset satisfaction.

Apple’s got the highest ratings.  Now, that’s miniscule differences being show, but still it’s a lead.  How that will help/hinder the iPhone5 adoption… who knows.  And maybe the Samsung got lower marks because of the update schedule that’s held up by the carriers… who knows.  We had a satisfaction survey, but it was more so on the carriers than the handsets.

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