Sony Thinking of Turning Their Backs on Android OS?

Sony has released some Impressive Android phones over the years. I personally have never owned one, but I know a few people who have and loved every minute of it. This latest news in has got me a little shocked.

Sony has been speaking very highly of their new Vita OS which you will find on the new PSP Vita. At a Q&A session with reporters Hirai stated that he doesn’t want people to forget that Vita OS is not just a gaming platform, but has the potential to be a powerful mobile OS as well.

Sony’s Senior Vice President, Yoshio Matsumoto, is reported as saying:

If you’re asking if we’ve made it in a way that’s expandable, so that it’s possible to apply to smartphones and tablets on top of achieving the high responsiveness we need for gaming devices — it is possible. That doesn’t mean that we’re applying it to smartphones and tablets at this point in time, but it’s been designed with expandability in mind.

Sure it’s a bit vague at this time, but Sony has been going through a lot of changes recently, such as renaming their network and other things. I could totally see this happening as the PSP Vita gains popularity in due time. But what does that say for Android?

Here’s where you come in. If Sony decides to drop the Android OS on Sony devices, would they still appeal to you? By making a dramatic change such as replacing the OS with a new one could easily sink a loyal fan base, or perhaps it will be welcomed with open arms. Decisions, decisions…

It’ll be interesting to see how this plays out near the end of this year.


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