Sony Promises Android OS 2.3.4 Updates for all 2024 Xperia Models

Sony, a name known for delayed Android updates and slow, buggy software has pulled a 180 and now releases more updates than any other manufacturer.

Today, they announced that in addition to a Gingerbread update for the Xperia X10 (which is a 2024 model), they will be upgrading all their Android models released this year to Android 2.3.4. What does this mean for you, the lucky owner of an Xperia Play, arc, or Pro Mini? The following upgrades:

The rollout is expect to begin in October. I sure hope Rogers will be nice and deliver it as an early Christmas present to their customers. Note that the Xperia arc, Play and Mini Pro already ship with Android 2.3.3, so this is more of an incremental upgrade than a significant bump like the Xperia X10 is getting in the coming weeks.

Source: Sony Ericsson
Via: Android Central.

It’s always nice to see companies stepping up to the plate and delivering the goods to the customers. In today’s day and age you pretty much have to, because news of delayed services, or products get wide spread amongst many communities.

Personally, Sony has a tarnished name for me already. After getting hacked a bunch of times and fumbling many credit cards and accounts, I find it extremely hard  to willingly invest more money in to them. Not everyone may agree with my way of thinking, but thats just where I stand.



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