Samsung Reveals Jelly Bean Upgrade List

Earlier today we had a rather disappointing update list come out of Motorola that showed very little commitment to their older devices.  Well now I have an updated update list from Samsung that is much more promising.  Below is a list of devices that Samsung says will be update to 4.1 Jelly Bean!  That’s right, Jelly Bean!

As you can see, there’s a lot of phones on that list.  Notable ones for Canada would be the Galaxy Tab 2 (7″ and 10.1″), the Galaxy Note 10.1, Galaxy S II, Galaxy S II LTE, Galaxy Note, and Galaxy Tab 7 Plus.  I have to really hand it to Samsung here.  They are really putting a lot of the other manufcaturers to shame in terms of bringing devices up to the latest and greatest rendition of Android.  It’s not just their flagship devices getting the updates but also some of their mid and low end models.  Other manufacturers really need to take ”note” (get it?).


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