Samsung Galaxy updates available (everywhere but North America)

… well, pretty well.

A while back there was this big hullabaloo because Samsung PR in the Philippines was saying ICS would be available on the 10th, and Samsung had to immediately squash that.

Well, not 2 days after that promise, we see that it’s come true.  The update is rolling out in Korea and most of Europe.

I haven’t seen what version of the ICS it’s offering (4.0.2 or 4.0.3?), but it’s a moot point as we won’t see it for some time.

As the update is now available it still means that the carriers have to get their paws on it and ‘ensure it will protect the integrity of the radio waves’ or some other line of bull they need to drag their heels.  Note the word ‘gradually’ in the tweet.  I’m sure it was carefully picked wording.

What’s kinda neat is if you visit Samsung’s official site and read about the update (which doesn’t list an ICS version there either) it mentions something else that quirked my interest.

Remember the big rumour about the Galaxy S line NOT getting ICS, but would get some fantasy ‘value pack’?  Well it looks like it’s true!  Wow… after Samsung said that wasn’t true.

Qu’est ce que le wha?

I guess those of you rockin’ the Captivate/Vibrant/Fascinate models might get some taste of ICS goodies in the end.

Need to see which other phones are still on the block for an ICS update?

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