Make Your Galaxy Nexus Full Screen

Some really cool stuff has been popping up recently on the XDA forums. This latest mod is to remove the softkeys from the bottom of your Galaxy Nexus and make them hidden.

you can watch a video of it in action here.










This is some pretty advanced stuff, even I find myself very timid to try this. I’d suggest if you’re unsure how to do this, leave it alone, errors or mistakes can ruin your day.

Judging by the video, this still has to work to be done before it is ready for prime time. I noticed on several occasions the guy in the video had a hard time getting the buttons to appear, or with a 1-2 second delay.

————————–How to?—————————-
1: You need the apktool

2: Pull the framework-res.apk from your ROM Current

3: Decompile the framework-res.apk

4: Edit the framework-resresvaluesbools.xml
search the <bool name=”config_showNavigationBar”>true</bool>
change true to false

5: Save and exit

6: Compile framework-res and find the recompile APK

7: Use winrar to open the recompile APK?pull resources.arsc out

8: Use winrar to open the Original APK?and push the resource.arsc in the Original APK?
Compression method ?store

9: Done! Now you can use it to replace your framework-res.apk
and install button savior then start the service

10: Reboot and enjoy it

Downloads Here:

If any of you have the balls to try this, let me know how it goes. Clearly this is a Try at your own risk situation.

Check out the original post from the XDA forums here

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