Leaky Leaky – Jelly Bean Leaks For Canadian Galaxy S III

Back on August 29, Samsung announced their upcoming phablet, the Note II.  And while that took up most of the attention that day, Samsung did have some other announcements that day including the confirmation that Jelly Bean development was under way and that the S3 would be the first to get a taste of it.

At the time of the announcement, everyone was pretty sure they were referring more to the international quad-core version rather than the American/Canadian dual-core version.  Not to say that the latter wouldn’t receive the update but that it would take longer for that release to make it to users.

Well it seems as though the dual-core Galaxy S III could be getting Jelly Bean sooner than expected.  Yesterday a build of Jelly Bean was leaked for the Canadian version of the Galaxy S III.  And if you’re the adventurous type, you can likely head over to XDA and find one of a number of roms that have probably already tweaked the firmware and made it CWM flashable.

If anybody tries this out let us know how it works!


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