Google Switches to iPhone OS for Android Phones

In an unexpected announcement, Google today announced that they are going to enable the adoption of Apple’s iPhone OS on their Android devices. Starting with the Google Nexus One and eventually transitioning to the entire line up of HTC handsets, the move is a result of talks between the CEOs of both Apple and Google.

Steve Jobs and Eric Schmidt have met in public on numerous occasions. The most important meeting, which took place on a sunny sidewalk in California is what is now known as “iPhone/Android-Coffee-Date-Outside-While-Wearing-My-New-Pants”. This was the critical meeting where Steve Jobs first suggested the change to Eric Schmidt.

“Don’t you hate pants?” – Steve Jobs

An insider has contacted us with a short excerpt of the conversation:

Steve Jobs: Thanks for coming today. There are three things I want to talk about today: iPhone OS, Android, and puppies.
Eric Schmidt: Uhh…okay? I thought you were going to talk about your new pants?
Steve: The iPhone has been the best selling phone on the planet. Sales have been phenomenal. It’s an amazing device.
Eric: When will you get to the part about puppies?
Steve: iPhone OS has become the best mobile operating system, ever. The App Store has passed a billion downloads. Apple has reinvented the phone.
Eric: Hey, where did you get those pants?
Steve: Ross. Aren’t they beautiful? Oh, and one more thing: they were on sale.
Eric: Umm…thanks? I can’t talk long Steve. I gotta go.
Steve: Okay, fine. But before you go, take this Jack Johnson CD. It’s incredible.
Eric. Uhh…thanks.

The rationale for moving  all Android devices to iPhone OS is because it will finally allow multitouch. With the latest iPhone OS 3.2, the Google Nexus One will soon be able to enjoy the App Store like the rest of your iPhone friends. You will no longer be shunned. Here’s a pic of our tester Google Nexus One running iPhone OS:

Click here to view the full tutorial on how to install iPhone OS on your Android.

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