Nvidia Shield Drops Price To $299 As Requested By Early Users


NVIDIA announced to the public Shield’s new and unexpected price tag, dropping price from the originally advertised price of $349 to a very respectable $299 for the Tegra 4 powered gaming console. Everyone who did their pre-order a while back will still get the lower price when the device is shipped.

Readers might ask the reason for the unexpected (but welcomed) price drop, and the culprit is none other than the general public. NVIDIA was from the start very happy to have users try out its new mobile console at places like E3 or Google I/O, and has a result from this experience they got great feedback. Nonetheless, every user seemed to agree that Shield would be even better if it were sold for $299. Well, NVIDIA agreed.

NVIDIA took the chance to let people in on the development process of NVIDIA Shield, and as it seems consumer feedback led not only to the price change, but also to some adjustments in Shield’s controls. This way, NVIDIA’s gaming console will be based on what consumers like you feel is “right”.

It’s great to see a big company like NVIDIA taking user feedback into account making changes in the development process and financial planning for its device. What do you think of NVIDIA’s decision? Should other companies look up to NVIDIA?

[via Android Central]

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