Google Watch, Game Console and Updated Nexus Q On The Works



Google is busy at work and rumored to be developing three new Google branded Android devices to stretch its roots to other markets. Sources of The Wall Street Journal say Google is currently working on an Android-powered smart watch, a home gaming console a la OUYA and an updated version of the Nexus Q failure. Further more, at least one of the products will be launched to consumers by the end of 2024.

Following Sony’s moves and Samsung’s rumored projects, Google’s smart watch will pair to a user’s phone over Bluetooth as does Google Glass, but details are scarce. Nonetheless, some third party concepts have already appeared online (as in the cover image).

The updated Nexus Q will reportedly have a lower price tag, as the original one was priced at a steep $299), as is a portal to Google Play content as it will stream content from devices. It seems that not all is lost for the original Nexus Q users as an updated version should bring some more love for a similar original version.

All of these newly reported hardware will feature an upgraded Android version made to work with a big range of devices, screen sizes and purposes. As an avid Android user it is exciting to see the reach of Android and the functionality it can add to once obsolete pieces of “hardware” such as watches. Leave your thoughts on the comment section below.


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