Samsung Canada Still Promising ICS Updates for Galaxy Devices

Since Samsung made promises to release ICS updates, in Marc… Apr.. I mean May, they keep getting delayed month by month by month while obviously results in some understandable frustration from the eagerly waiting adoptees. Samsung Canada via their FaceBook page announced the following statement.

We wanted to give all of our passionate fans an update on Ice Cream Sandwich (Android 4.0). We’ve gotten lots of inquiries about what devices will be eligible, and when updates will become available. While we don’t have specific dates to share yet, we can tell you that the following GALAXY devices will be receiving the update: GALAXY S II, GALAXY S II LTE, GALAXY S II LTE HD, GALAXY S II X, GALAXY Note, GALAXY Tab 7.0, GALAXY Tab 7.0 Plus, GALAXY Tab 8.9, and GALAXY Tab 10.1. Roll-outs of Ice Cream Sandwich for those GALAXY devices will be happening over the coming weeks and months so keep watching this space for the most up-to-date ICS news. Thank you all for your patience, passion, and loyalty!

So once again, we’re stuck with the “In the coming weeks” that we’ve been hearing since March. I know some of the feedback I’ve goten from a few of our readers on Google+, they’re starting to lose hope and frankly just don’t care anymore. Sad to say, I don’t blame them.

Clearly we want Samsung to release solid builds without rushing them just to stick users with a glitchy and error filled experience, but at the same time I feel Samsung has kinda dropped the ball at the same time. Everyone stands in a different location with a different point of view.

If you follow me on Google+, you might have seen that I tried one of the officially release ICS builds for the International Galaxy Note N7000. I was really happy to finally get my hands on a solid release, but sadly enough it turns out it wasn’t so solid after all. After numerous stalls and slow operational experiences, it lead me back to Gingerbread roms. Clearly more time is still needed.

All in all, I still remain hopeful, but it’s going to be a little while longer still. I’ve said this earlier, It seems like an early summer release looks more plausible. Give them room to delay it further.

What do you think about all these delays?

Do you think they should hold back and release one that’s fine tuned at the cost of bumping dates over and over, or stick to their promises and release on time, but with minor glitchy builds that will require updates later on down the road. Let us know where you stand on this issue in the comments below.

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