A while I had set up an article to discuss what apps were best for toddlers. It’s been a blessing and a curse in the end. One of the apps that I’m not sure I mentioned or not was Netflix.
My son just loves it. On my phone and my tablet [which it recently is now officially allowable in Canada for]. He knows which home screen to slide to [and if you needed to hit the ‘house’ before hand] and then which circle it’s under. He even does a pretty good job finding a movie he likes.
Well, lately it got a little bit easier to use. The top row now has our most recently played [yes, I know the folly of now showing you my recently watched…]
So he can now see if there was an episode of something recently watched and more quickly choose something.
I love it when apps adapt for tablet use. So go grab the update now, if you haven’t already been prompted to do so.