More Malware Found and What You Should Know

A newer malware has peaked up its head, attacking unsuspecting Android users. With a small amount of know how and information we can help ourselves and others avoid such Malware or ‘Viruses’ as some might refer these too.

Android users shouldn’t be worried about malware and flock to grab the nearest Android Anti Virus application on the Android Market. Most malware the user actually installs themselves without even knowing it.  Thanks to Lookout Mobile Security, AndroidinCanada is able to give you the short and sweet version thats right to the point to help everyone avoid this.

As you can see this picture of the Android Market, but its a fake. The obvious URL status bar at the top indicates that this is an open internet browser window. Android Market NEVER uses your internet browser to install apps, so keep that in mind in your later days of web surfing.

By chance you missed this URL status bar at the top and you decided to download this fake app, you are still required to install it like any other application. So a rule of common sense kicks in again and says, “Don’t install anything unless you know exactly what it is”.

Another good way to help prevent malware or ‘viruses’ is to do the following:

Go to: Settings > Applications > Uncheck “Unknown sources”

By unchecking “Unknown sources” only applications found on the Android Market can be installed.

This particular malware or ‘virus’ is for the U.S. but there is many more then just one. Taking the time to understand some of the ways your phone could be infected is a great way to keep your information secure.  This one is called GGTracker and as far as we know only targets the States (for now).

GGTracker is a malware that if installed by accident could potentially sign you up for paid SMS services, which would increase your phone bill at the end of the month.

There are applications such as Lookout mobile security and Anti-Virus Free by AVG. These are great apps, but I always found common sense to be the best protection and having less running in the background.

For the full story and details from the main source please head over to Lookout Mobile Security.




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