Make Your Google Android Look Like a Windows 7 Phone with the Seven+Android Project

Android has got to be my favorite phone platform to date. It has gained tremendous popularity over the past couple years, they are getting bigger and badder every month. Best thing about Google’s Android, is that you are never stuck with just one apple, you are allowed to taste the whole basket.

If you are anything like me, you like to explore all the possibilities of your phone. I’m always reaching for the latest and greatest phones and software to run on them. Part of exploring is trying new things, we all know Android never fails to deliver with new Roms, Launchers, and Apps to keep us on our toes.


The Seven+Android Project and it’s developers offer a near total conversion to a Windows Phone 7 look and feel. They are always adding more and updating their existing apps on what seems to be on a weekly bases.

I stumbled across the  Seven+Android Project during my search for something new, to my surprise they haven’t been operating very long, but have produced so much in that little time.

I got in contact with the founder Thomas Barrasso. He was very quick to answer all my questions, and was readily willing and able to help me troubleshoot any issues I might have. I ended up calling upon him a couple times for issues I wanted to address and in all cases he responded himself within hours. This was outstanding to me, as I’m sure we all know a lot of dev’s take their time, sometimes not hearing back for days, or at all.

The Seven+Android Project currently offers the following

Apps Currently unreleased, but are under development are the following:

As you can see, they have a lot to offer currently and a lot to look forward to in the future.

If you follow me on Google+, you have probably noticed that I posted a few screenshots of some of these apps in action, I will post a couple here as well.











For the exception of Zplayer, all of these applications have free versions to play with. So if you have some free time, or you really like the Windows Metro theme, I highly suggest checking these guys out. They have nice looking, frequently updated apps, with fast support to match.

Check these guys our here ( )



Want to get additional information, or chat with Tom Gray? You can find him on his Google+ page.

Link to Tom Gray’s Google+ Page.



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