Google Music Limiting 10 Devices Per Account (Updated)

Update: It seems Google has fixed this oversite and removed the limitations. Thanks Julien D. for bringing this to my attention and my friends on Google+ for confirming it.


People have been going nuts about this on the XDA forums as well as Google+. I know most people think Google Music is a U.S only service, but with a little know how, we Canadians can use it too.

My partner Ryan Moore posted a while back how to get this done. Though the guide is a bit dated now, it should still work.

How to Get and Use Google Music in Canada

Apparently Google has slapped a limit of 10 device activations on your Google Music account, seems pretty reasonable right? For the common person it works just fine, but for the rooters and rom flashers this is a nightmare. Every time you flash a new rom, reload all your applications including Google Music, that’s another activation. Let’s say you don’t like that new rom and switch back to your old one, now you’ve already used 3 of 10.

No worries, I’ll just deactivate my previous devices: Wait a minute… Google has also placed a 4 deactivation limit per year. now we’re up to a total of 14 activations, but I can tell you as a fellow rooter and rom flasher, 14 won’t last long. Flashing roms becomes an addiction, you’re always chasing that perfect rom. I’ve only had my Galaxy Note N7000 for around two months and I’m way over 10 activations.

People are starting to find this out the hard way and are faced with this error.

Obviously not being able to remove old devices means not being able to add new ones. A couple people over at XDA even went as far as to make a new account just to get all their music back in action again. That’s a pretty hard punishment. If you’ve never loaded music on the Google’s server, It’s painfully slow.

Seeing situations like this makes me happy I believe in local storage for all my music needs. I’ll save the Cloud for my pictures.

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