Google Maps App Quietly Updated To Include Offline Maps Again

Google_Maps_OfflineYesterday we were graced with the news of a major update coming to one of the best Google services out there. Google Maps was finally updated as promised in Google IO and it brought a new interface and design language, full of Google Now and Maps desktop app influence.

While we loved the update, and all the cool features and new design it brought we did find something to complain about. After all, the Android crowd are demanding and from the start Google Blog’s comment section was full with comments asking why were offline maps and Latitude missing from the new update.

Well as do the best of the best, Google listened and tried to solve all of the complaints with a quiet update of the updated Maps app. Since Latitude was retired and its features are to be implemented in Google+, this discrete update only added a button on the Explore Menu that bares the question “Where’s Latitude?” and should answer all of your doubts about Latitude’s retirement.

However, regarding offline maps, Android users we’re actually demanding it back since nearly everyone was a bit upset with the ridiculous “OK maps” solution. Again, Google listened and when the search bar is pressed you’ll find a “Make this area available offline” button that should make it easier to cache all the areas you most use and save your data plan.

The app is still rolling out so it hasn’t reached all users at this moment. Thanks to Google’s quick response to user’s concerns, most of you will receive the update and with all its faults already corrected. Congratulations Google for showing it cares for consumers. Leave your comments on the section below.

[Via Talkandroid]

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