Four Of Disney’s Top Apps Go Free! (Update: Back to $1)

Disney Apps


Something magical just happened on the Google Play Store!  No, I’m not talking about the redesign.  Something magical!  The kind of magical where something disappears.  Confused yet?

Well it appears that four of Disney’s top apps, Where’s My Water?, Where’s My Perry?, Temple Run: Brace, and Wreck-it Ralph, have all dropped to zero dollars.  That’s right, that $1 price tag has vanished and should be gone permanently.  Apparently Google’s policies are that once an app drops to zero dollars it has to stay at zero dollars.

And just in case you’re wondering, there are not the free versions of the games.  These are the full paid versions that have now gone free.  So if you’ve been looking for some new games to kill some time with head over to the play store and grab these magical little bundles.

Now, if only that Toy Story game would drop… Are you listening Mr. Mouse?


Well that was short lived… Prices have gone back up to $1.  I’m not sure if this is the glitch or if the zero dollar was the glitch.  Hopefully you guys were able to take advantage of it when it was free.  I’ll let you know if it drops again.

[Play Store / Android Guys]

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