Adobe releases “Touch Apps”

Adobe has been a love hate thing for me. I love how much it can do for me, but hate how it sucks me into a few hours of experimentation and play. It’s a constant pinned icon for me at work as I do all my page work on it. Which was why I was so excited when they announced there would be tablet specific apps waay back.

It was extra special this morning to wake up and hear that they had released the apps at midnight [must have been a different time zone than I, as I was up and watching PVR’d episodes of “Community”].

So, 6 new apps just for the tablet.

My obvious favourite is the Photoshop version. I’m not sure how much I’d ever use anything else [maybe if Adobe wants to send me some samples, I’d play around and see how useful they’d be], but PS I’d grab up for sure. I’m trying not to waste a lot of time in my office with it at the moment. But here’s some quick screen grabs of me using it currently.

neat adjustments to apply

tool of all tools – CURVES

So, to get some more information, click the above links for each of the apps [there’s some video on the market pages] or check out the Adobe page here.

So, what am I missing out on the other apps? Someone want to fill me in?

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