Giveaway From Android in Canada #3 – Winner Announced

Winner Announced: Ksnazel.

Thanks to everyone who participated in this contest. If you didn’t win, please come back again and try out for the next one. I will have another contest starting up the next coming Friday, so stay tuned!

Contest is now close.


Update: Just a reminder to all you Galaxy Nexus users out there. If you have not already entered to win the extra battery for the Galaxy Nexus, don’t miss your chance. There are two days remaining until a winner is chosen. Don’t wait, enter for your chance to win today!


I’m hosting another giveaway today, which marks the 3nd official giveaway since I started keeping track.

If you want these giveaways to be more frequent and with bigger gifts, then help us spread the word by sharing our pages. The more traffic we get, the more we can give back to you.

To be eligible to win, you must meet the following requirements and conditions:

What’s up for grabs today?


2300mAh Extended Battery for Samsung Galaxy Nexus

A very good backup battery for the Galaxy Nexus. Never be caught in the bad situation with a dead battery again, keep a backup with you at all times.


How do I win?: It’s simple. Just tell me why you need it, perhaps a story of when you ran out of battery at a critical moment in your life.

I will select a winner at random, or by the optional reason posted.

Remember to share our articles. The more traffic we get, the more frequent and bigger gifts we will have to give back to you.

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