Winner Announced! Giveaway for Galaxy Nexus

Congratulations Omar Zuberi!


Thanks to everyone who participated in this contest, but unfortunately there can only be one winner. Come back and keep in touch with us, as there will be more contests to follow in the very near future.

—Contest is now closed—


Reminder: help a little heads up for the people who may have missed this event. If you have a Galaxy Nexus and missed this event, be sure to enter to have your chance at winning this prize. A winner will be chosen on Sunday.

I’m kicking off my return to AiC with a couple giveaways, this marking the first giveaway since my return.

What’s up for grabs today?

Brushed Metal Battery Cover for Galaxy Nexus.

Show off your Galaxy Nexus with a little extra bling with this Silver Brushed metal replacement battery cover. Make your friends jelly with having the only Nexus on the block with a little extra flavour.

To be eligible to win, you must meet the following requirements and conditions:

How do I win?: It’s very simple really. All you have to do is tell me you would like to win, then tell me the most creative thing you’ve ever done with your nexus for entertainment. Mounted it to a wall, car, strobe light for your bedroom? use your imagination.

A winner will be chosen at random from a list of people who have provided the most interesting use ideas of their Nexus.

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